Space trading game Elite: unsafe is to be launched on 16 December. The latest sequel to the powerful game will go on wide release after months of testing by those who backed it on Kick starter. After launch, the game will face stiff opposition from other space-based games at present in growth.
Many of those offer players very similar experiences to the fighting, trading and exploring in deep space seen in Elite. Plans to create the fourth installment in the Elite sequence of games emerged in November 2012 when the project appeared on Kickstarter seeking to raise £1.25m to develop the game.
Elite: unsafe is being made by Cambridge shire-based Frontier Developments, the game studio headed by David Braben who co-developed the unique Elite game. He supposed he used Kickstarter because it would have been hard to get a publisher to back the plan.
The December release date is later than originally planned and the game will initially only be playable on PCs. A Mac version is due to follow three months after the original release. Frontier is planning an event on 22 November at which some players will get a gaze at what the finished game will look like.
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